Monday 27 February 2017

Reflective Essay

A teacher that simply stands in front of a classroom, and delivers information from a textbook is no longer happening because of technology. Technology makes textbooks come to life. Technology tools such as podcasts, wikis, Diigo, blogs, and apps enhance learning for students. Furthermore, I learned that using technology on 21st learners can build up self-esteem, create lifelong skills, and monitor part of what is in the mind of my learners and their responses. Getting kids to write, especially the weaker writers, can be a challenge in itself, but by allowing kids to use technology tool, such as, blogs can enhance my lesson, make reading my content fun and engage my pupils. I also learned that “the use of technology can contribute to the creation of a more constructionist learning environment” (Laureate Education, Inc., 2015m). When I facilitate discussions via technology, I am probing to find misconceptions from my pupils, and demonstrating higher order teaching skills. In this course, all the medias, resources, and activities such as creating blogs, wikis, Diigo, and Twitter has helped enhanced my writing, and equip me with skills to assist my 21st century learners (see Appendix A). This course has also shaped my definition of the role of a teacher. 
Incorporating technology into my teaching practice can be very beneficial for me and my learners. I “can create a 21st century context for learning by taking students out into the world, by bringing the world into the classroom, and by creating opportunities for students to collaboratively interact with each other.  Helping students make vital practical, social, and emotional connections to content and skill is of the utmost importance.  Why?  Because students in this era have grown up with access to the Internet and are capable of interacting and collaborating in ways that were unfathomable” (Tucker, 2014, p. 168).  Dr. David Thornburg, director at Thornburg Center stated, “Marconi, an Italian inventor, saw technology as medium to let you talk to individuals or one-to-one communication (Laureate Education, 2015k). For example, “Web 2.0 is an interactive program/software that permit people to personalize their internet experiences, have had a great impact on how people communicate in the public domain” (Vance, 2015, p.1).  Web 2.0 tool (such as wikis) can be used to communicate with colleagues, administrations, stakeholders, businesses, parents and students. Wiki is also a collaborative online space where pupils can use their knowledge to add to group discussions, and connect students with other learners across the world. In addition, wikis made learning fun and engaging, helped improve my learner’s performances, and empowered my students to be active participant.  
Furthermore, the best part about using wiki is that students used it at any time, as a result, the content is easily accessible. It also allows my students to demonstrate their high-level thinking skills and understanding. I discovered when my “students engage in exploring real-world issues, solve problems using digital tools and resources” helps improve their learning (Riley, 2016).  For this reason, and the fact that it promotes self-direct learning, I will continue to implement wiki in more lessons. In addition, wiki will help me recognize misconceptions from each pupils, as well as, incorporate their cultural differences in interests and abilities within my lessons. The reverse side wiki will teach my learners how to accept their peer’s cultural differences, encourage face-to-face and online collaboration with each other. “Classroom collaboration is an area that benefits directly from today’s Internet experience in that students can develop their potential for learning by becoming more actively involved” (Ruffini, 2011). However, the greatest hindrance in my school setting is the limited Internet access, but my plan is to allow students to use wiki at home until my school router issues are fix.
Moreover, using additional technology tools, such as, podcast in this course has helped support my lesson and empowered my students to further develop their 21st century skills. “Podcasting is the creation and distribution of amateur radio” (Richardson, 2010, p. 112). In most workplace, technology has proven to be ideal way to communicate between employees and customers globally. “The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is one of the skills that businesses look for in employee” (Datar, 2014). Therefore, I must continue to use wikis and podcasts to “embrace the 21st century learning paradigm shift to ensure that students are adequately prepared for the global workforce.” (Tucker, 2014, p. 171). If my students are to leave school armed with the knowledge, and skill necessary to participate as citizens, and thinkers.
The 21st century learners demand more and expect more, so the idea of using technology in education is a necessity. The ISTE standard for teacher met by using technology is: (1) “Facilitate and inspire students learning and creativity. Teachers can use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. (2) Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. Teachers can design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes identified in the Standards” (Watson, 2014). Additionally, the ISTE met by student through technology (1) “Empower Learner. Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences” (Watson, 2014). Again, we see that incorporating technology into teaching practice can be very beneficial for teachers and students.
Some long-term goals I will set to transform my classroom environment in order to help students gain skills to be ready for tomorrow’s society and workplace are:  (1) By 31st of  December, I will commit to acquire up-to-date knowledge on lesson designs, strategies, instructional practices, and assessment tools. I will accomplish this goal by participating in local and international workshops annually. Students need to become fluent with the linguistic systems to effectively communicate, and learn technological skills to become proficient at their job. (2) Therefore, at least 80% of all students will complete pre-test and post-test using technology two times between March 1 and March 30 of next year for an increase in students score. To ensure students meet the standards at their grade level I will use Zipgrade to assist with this process. (3) By 31st of December, I will collaborate and obtain the commitment of two community members to come into the classroom session annually to engage my learners and teach skills needed to function in a society. Moreover, I can assure all goals are achieved through building “meaningful relationships to improve my student’s learning” (Riley, 2016). In addition, through effective planning, and engaging in workshop to improve my professional practices.

Datar, K. (2014). How technology has changed the workplace and education. Retrieved from
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015k). The emergence of educational technology [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015m). Transforming the classroom with technology: Part 1 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Riley, R.W.  (2016). RWRCOEL professional dispositions. Walden University. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from
Riley, R.W.   (2016). RWRCOEL technology proficiencies. Walden University. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from file:///C:/Users/Desktop/MSED_RWRCOEL_Technology_Proficiencies.pdf
Ruffini, M. G. (2011). Classroom collaboration using social bookmarking service Diigo.  Retrieved from
Tucker, S. Y. (2014). Transforming pedagogies: Integrating 21st century skills and Web 2.0 technology. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), p. 166–173. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Vance, N. (2015). Web 2.0 in the schools. Research Starters Education, p. 1–6. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

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